Well it happened! I'm on a diet. I have got to be healthier. My mood has been grouchy, feeling unmotivated, eating my troubles away. You come to a point where you got to change something! I have to go all or nothing, but I will not deprive myself. So I started with looking up healthy, low carb meals and smoothies on Pinterest. I started 2 boards pinterest.com/dinamichele08 I will be adding more to these boards regularly. I don't want this to be too hard and not achievable. It also has to be inexpensive. So I thought let me try what I have on hand in the house that is healthy. I had a box of Carnation instant breakfast and saw a smoothie recipe on the back. So that's where it begins. Smoothies for lunch or my lunch prequel. Something to fill me up so I don't over eat at lunch. Breakfast will consist of a low carb or no carb choice. I had eggs, so lunch is a scrambled egg with a slice of cheese melted plus a cup of coffee. Dinner option was chicken b...
A blog with creative and inexpensive decorating ideas. Crafts, flowers, food, faith and more.